Connect to your OnePlace Solutions Site

The OnePlace Live client is an essential tool to allow you to configure settings to the OnePlaceMail and OnePlaceDocs client, allowing you to configure once and deploy to many users.

More than configuration, the OnePlaceLive client allows the IT or SharePoint administrator to create Solution Profiles - delivering the right locations to the right people, regardless of the SharePoint architecture.

Install the OnePlace Solutions client

  • Install the client application on any IT/SharePoint administrators desktop.
  • Download the msi here
Please note: OnePlaceLive version should match the OnePlaceMail & OnePlaceDocs installed in your environment
Before you create your Solution Profile, please ensure you have the OnePlace Solutions Admin site available in SharePoint

Connect OnePlaceLive to the site

  1. Launch OnePlaceLive from the desktop
  2. Browse to the OnePlace Solutions Admin site. Copy > Paste the Url

  1. Launch OnePlaceLive from the desktop
  2. Browse to the OnePlace Solutions Admin site. Copy > Paste the Url

Create and deploy Solution Profiles