Central Register (location item)

The central register leverages metadata from a custom list built in SharePoint. This can be an existing list, or alternatively can connect to a document library with document sets.

Create a Central Register item

  • Select 'New Item > Central Register

  • Specify a name for the profile. The name set here will be visible to users in the Navigation Pane.
  • By default the profile is unpublished, to see this is in the Navigation pane, set the profile to 'Published'

  • Connect to the site and list that has been created in SharePoint:

  • The central register can connect to a list or document library with metadata, select the type to connect to
  • The display column will be used to present the locations to end-users. This could be the standard title column or a custom column
  • The central register must have a Url column. This column should contain the url of the site, library, or folder.
  • Specify the target type that will be returned

  • Select the button to pick a view that has been created in the SharePoint list or library.
  • Alternatively, a custom query can be written freehand here.

  • Examples of CAML queries:

Descendant Locations - Optional

  • Set whether the 'Save to SharePoint' dialog will appear for users when saving to these locations.
  • Set whether the item should be automatically checked in.

  • Refine the locations returned by hiding lists
  • Hide system libraries or lists from being visible in the navigation pane
  • Restrict locations to those set in the SharePoint quick launch

Video : Solution Profiles - how to create a central register item