Email site columns

The capture of rich metadata provides for better classification of content and best practice enterprise content management. The availability of metadata means views can be created and SharePoint search can be used more effectively to return content.

Add email site columns to the SharePoint site

OnePlace Solutions provides a number of columns to ensure that email metadata is captured at the time of saving to SharePoint.

The email columns can be deployed via the OnePlace Solutions Administration client for efficient deployment of the email columns, content type and views to your site and document libraries.

  1. Launch the OnePlace Solutions Administration client from the desktop

    This process does not currently support adding columns to the Content Type Hub. To add columns to the content type hub, please contact support at support at
  2. Select 'Add Email columns' from the left pane.

  3. Select the location to add the email columns. Options are:

    • Specific libraries (SharePoint and Teams) within the site collection

If the site collection you need does not appear, select 'Add a site collection' and paste in the url
If you want to deploy the email columns to a 'Private' Team channel location you will need to get the SharePoint URL for that private team channel and add it as a 'SharePoint site collection' as opposed to deploying via the 'Teams node' (this is essentially a separate site collection in SharePoint to the main 'parent' Teams-enable site).
If you are deploying to a location within a subsite you will need to ensure the email site content type exists at the site collection level first (the subsite will inherit this). If it does not, the email site content type will not get created successfully at the subsite level.

  1. Select Add.

Once all the sites and libraries have been selected, select Next

  1. Select ' Yes' to allow content type management

  2. Select either an existing content type to add the columns to, or the default ' Create an email content type named OnePlaceMail'

  3. Select whether you would like a view to be created. The view will add the following email columns to it:

    • Email has attachment

    • Email Date

    • Email Subject

    • Email From

    • Email To

  4. Select Deploy.

  5. Confirm the results & Select Finish

Note, any red rows in the 'Results' indicate a error provisioning to that location. Click the row for further details.

Option: Manually create the email columns

If required, you can create the columns manually as Site Columns in the site collection.

Please find a list of available email columns:

List columns

OnePlaceMail captures a number of email attributes and promotes these to columns

  • These columns must be created with the name (internal names) as they are listed below and can be renamed (display name) once they have been created.
  • The email columns are case sensitive.