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You are here: Installation > Installation > Enterprise deployment > Uninstalling OnePlace Solutions

Enterprise Deployment - Uninstall

Group Policy will automatically uninstall OnePlace Solutions products if the computer is no longer within the scope of the Group Policy as long as the following option was selected when setting up the Group Policy.

To take a computer outside the scope of the Group Policy change the security of the policy so that the computer does not have the Apply Group Policy permission.
When uninstalling OnePlace Solutions, user configuration files are not deleted and will remain under the user profile directory.



  • Ensure users can access the files on the network share
  • To ensure that group policy is actually getting applied type the following into a client in a command window: gpresult
  • To enforce that a group policy change is applied type the following into a client in a command window: gpupdate (you will then have to restart the computer for the change to take effect)
  • For a computer policy to take effect the computer needs to be restarted (sometimes twice), for a user policy the user needs to logout/login (sometimes twice).
  • When changing a login script file it needs to be removed from the scripts window and added back in otherwise the change will not take effect.