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You are here: Installation > Upgrading > Upgrade best practice & FAQ

Upgrade best practice & FAQ's

Upgrading OnePlace Solutions software is an easy process. It is possible to upgrade using MSI and group policy.

Configuration settings will be migrated, or a great opportunity to update OnePlaceMail or OnePlaceDocs settings.

User settings are migrated across, so there is minimal disruption to the end user.

  • Download msi files
  • Install on a test machine. Test saving to SharePoint
  • Create group policy, referencing the updated msi file
  • Make any changes to the configuration settings via OnePlaceLive Configuration Profile service.
  • Set these to unpublished.
  • Deploy msi file to end users
  • Set the Configuration Service profile to published, for client machines to download.
  • Users will have a new version and updated settings.
Frequently asked questions:

Q:  How do I check which version I have installed?

A: You can check via OnePlaceMail / OnePlaceDocs settings, About. The release number will be shown here . Alternatively, you are able to confirm the exact version number via Control Panel, Programs & Features.


Q: I am upgrading OnePlaceSolutions software, do I need a new key?

A: It is not necessary to obtain a new key when you upgrade your OnePlaceSolutions software. The upgraded version will use the same license list Url.


Q: I am upgrading my SharePoint site, do you I need a new software key?

A: The license key is bound to the list ID on the SharePoint site. If this List ID is different to the original ID submitted, a new key will need to be issued. Please contact customer service.


Q: How do I change the license list URL?

If the license list was originally set via MSI deployment, this can be updated via the registry.

The location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OnePlaceSolutions\Common : LicenseLocation


Q: I have legacy server components - do I still need these? How do I upgrade?

A: Server components are required if support for BCS columns is required when using OnePlace Solutions software.

If there are no BCS columns in the SharePoint environment - we recommend upgrading and removing server components. Steps to upgrade can be found here.