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You are here: OnePlaceLive Services > Solution Profiles service > Location items > Writing CAML Queries / Examples

Writing CAML Queries / Examples

Further to the convenience of creating and selecting a view from the central register list to extract a CAML query, at times you may want to write your own query to take advantage of constructs not available via a view.

The Membership tag in CAML query allows you to filter list items based on membership within

a group. This can be combined with an OR to cater for both individual names and group names.

See the examples below

Person/Group Column Example CAML Queries

Where current user is in a single values Person/Groups column



<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Manager'/>

<Value Type='Integer'>

<UserID Type='Integer'/>





Where current user is a member of a groups that is listed in a person/groups column

(that allows single or multiple values)


<Membership Type='CurrentUserGroups'>

<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Team'/>



Where current user may be named explicitly or may be a member of a group listed in a person/groups column

(that allows single or multiple values)



<Membership Type='CurrentUserGroups'>

<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Team'/>



<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Team'/>

<Value Type='Integer'>

<UserID Type='Integer'/>






Where the Project Status (choice type) column has a status of "Open"


Where current user may be named explicitly or may be a member of a group listed in the

"Project Team" person/groups column (that allows single or multiple values)


Where current user is explicitly named in the single value

"Project Manager" Person/Groups column





<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Status' />

<Value Type='Choice'>Open</Value>




<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Manager' />

<Value Type='Integer'>

<UserID Type='Integer' />




<Membership Type='CurrentUserGroups'>

<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Team'/>



<FieldRef Name='Project_x0020_Team'/>

<Value Type='Integer'>

<UserID Type='Integer'/>





