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You are here: OnePlaceLive Services > Configuration service > OnePlaceMail > Email filename Format

Email Filename Format

The default filename format will use the email subject and append an underscore to create a unique hashcode based on the email sent date/time encoded as Base64 text(eg. ACME project information_vf65c8).

OnePlaceMail provides you with the option of choosing one of our predefined standard email filename formats or alternatively creating your own custom format.

It is possible to pick a pre-determined range, or set a custom format to suit your organization.


Select a format

Select pre-configured from the drop down or select custom, to build your own.

Custom filename format

Add a combination of the tokens listed below. encased in square bracket and separated by underscore.

example: [subject]_sendername]_[uniquehash]

Maximum length Enter the maximum length of characters to be captured in the email filename

Table: Available tokens, to create your own custom filename format:

Value Description Note

Use the current, local date/time of the user PC.

Not recommended when there are global users.

uses "yyyy-MM-dd" format

example: sentdatelocal#yyyy-MM-dd

sentdateutc Use the UTC date/time of the email to be saved.

This assists in creating the hashcode, appended at the end of emails, and assist in ensuring duplicate emails are not stored in SharePoint.

example: sentdateutc#yyyy-MM-dd

sendernamesubject Combination of sender & subject example: [sendernamesubject]
subject#10 Uses the subject of the email. Setting the #10, sets the maximum length of characters to 10. example: [subject#10#]
sendername Uses the sendername to create filename example: [sendername]
uniquehash Unique hashcode for email. Based on sent date/time of email. example: [uniquehash]
uniquehashuser Unique hashcode for email. Based on sent date/time of email. Adds the initials of the user saving the email to SharePoint. example: [uniquehashuser]