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You are here: Installation > Installation > Installing Solutions > Create the site columns for OnePlaceMail

How do I get the features of the Sandbox Solution without deploying the solution?

If due to restrictions (e.g. organization policy) you can't activate Sandbox Solution, you can get the same functionality by performing the following steps:

Create the email columns

These columns must be created with the name (internal names) as they are listed below and can be renamed (display name) once they have been created.

Column Name Column Type
EmSubject Single line of text
EmTo Multiple lines of text
EmToAddress Multiple lines of text
EmCC Multiple lines of text
EmBCC Multiple lines of text
EmFrom Single line of text
EmFromName Single line of text
EmDateSent Date and Time
EmDateReceived Date and Time
EmType Single line of text
EmDate Date and Time
EmID Single line of text
EmAttachCount Single line of text
EmAttachmentNames Multiple lines of text
EmCon Single line of text
EmConversationID Multiple lines of text
EmConversationIndex Multiple lines of text
EmCategory Single line of text
EmBody Multiple lines of text
EmSensitivity Number
EmImportance Number
EmToSMTPAddress Multiple lines of text
EmCCSMTPAddress Multiple lines of text
EmBCCSMTPAddress Multiple lines of text
EmFromSMTPAddress Multiple lines of text
EmHasAttachments Yes/No
EmSentOnBehalfOfName Single line of text
EmReceivedOnBehalfOfName Single line of text
EmCompanies Single line of text
EmRetentionPolicyName Single line of text
EmReplyRecipientNames Single line of text
EmReplyRecipients Single line of text

Create OnePlaceMail Email Content Type