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You are here: User Guides > Using OnePlaceMail > Access Sharepoint from Outlook > Email as links or email attachments

Actions: Insert as Link/Attachment from SharePoint, View Properties

The Outlook style experience provides user actions to enhance productivity when interacting with SharePoint.

Email as links

The ‘Email as Link’ provides the ability to create an email and insert links direct to the document(s) or to the Item Properties of the selected documents. If the ‘Document ID’ feature has been enabled in your SharePoint environment, the links will be generated using the Document ID. This will minimize broken links in the event of a SharePoint restructure or items being moved as part of a workflow or records management solution.



Insert selected items as Links

Email as attachment

There are circumstances where sending content from SharePoint as an attachment is required. OnePlaceMail allows you to use the ‘Email as Attachment’ for one or more selected items.


Insert selected items as attachments