Save emails from Outlook to SharePoint
From Microsoft Outlook there are three methods to save emails to SharePoint:
(This is the Drop-down text)
Select one or more emails and drag/drop to a OnePlaceMail location on the left navigation of Outlook. The can be a Favorite, Recent or a location within a Solution Profile
The default drag/drop process will move emails to SharePoint. You can also copy emails by performing a right-click drag/drop.
Once saved to SharePoint, the item is available as per the system and security configuration of SharePoint.
Select one or more emails, right-click and select 'Copy to SharePoint' or 'Move to SharePoint'. The Save to SharePoint window will appear, allowing you to select a location.
Select one or more emails and select 'Copy to SharePoint' or 'Move to SharePoint. The Save to SharePoint window will appear, allowing you to select a location.
Alternatively, you can select a recent location from the from the Copy/Move buttons. The 'Save to SharePoint' window will optionally appear based on the location settings.
Display Save to SharePoint Window
The Save to SharePoint / Office 365 is common across the OnePlace Solutions product suite. It provides a Navigation tree to select a location and the ability to Completing Metadata / Columns (in addition to the automatically captured email attributes) when saving content to SharePoint.
Presenting the 'Save to SharePoint' window is optional. However, it will always be presented in the event data validation has not been met prior to saving. You can control the display behavior at a General and further refine the Manage Favorite locations.
Presenting the Save to SharePoint / Office 365 is optional. However, it will always be presented in the event data validation has not been satisfied.
Display Save Results Window
The Save Results window is optional and shows the list of items successfully and unsuccessfully saved to SharePoint. The Results window can be suppressed at a global level within General or on a location by location basis when creating Favorite locations.
The Save Results window will always be presented in the event of an item not being successfully saved to SharePoint
The Save Results window allows you to link directly to the newly saved item in SharePoint. From here, you can edit, initiate workflows and perform any other valid SharePoint actions available based on your level of security access.