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You are here: User Guides > Settings and Configuration > OnePlace Live Service

OnePlaceLive Service

The OnePlaceLive Service area allows for a connection to the OnePlace Solutions site.  The current refresh interval for receiving central settings and Solution Profiles from OnePlaceLive is also displayed. 

OnePlace Solutions Site URL

The OnePlace Solutions Site URL is a link to a central SharePoint site, providing the ability for OnePlaceMail and OnePlaceDocs to consume centrally managed configuration settings and Solution Profiles provided by OnePlaceLive.

Your OnePlace Solutions Administrator will either provide you with the relevant SharePoint site URL to enter within the settings window or will have set the Site URL for you during the installation process. 


The OnePlace Solutions Site URL structure should be in the format: protocol://<domain/site e.g. https://<domain>.sharepoint.com/sites/oneplacesolutions


Change - OnePlace Solutions Site URL

To manually set or change the OnePlace Solutions Site URL"

  1. Click the 'Change' link
  2. Enter the URL of your Site URL (this may have been provided by your OnePlace Solutions Administrator)
  3. Click 'Test' to confirm your connection
  4. Select OK

Sync Settings

The Sync Settings determine how often changes are refreshed from the OnePlace Solutions Site.  The refresh interval can be changed by your OnePlace Solutions Administrator.