Using Docs Explorer

Navigating tree

The Navigation Tree allows you to access SharePoint/Office 365 locations and content.  The navigation tree behavior and locations are consistent across the OnePlace Solutions suite of products, showing Manage Favorite locations, Recent Locations, Solution Profiles and SharePoint connections.  |topic=SharePoint

Content Area (Documents, Views, filtering)

The content area of the Docs Explorer window allows you to select a SharePoint view for the selected location in the navigation tree. The default view for the selected library/list will initially display, showing all columns and respecting the view filters, sorting and group by settings. 

To open a document, simply double click on the item in the grid view.

You can show a different default view for a selected location by creating a view by the name of 'Content View' in the library/list.  You can also rename this view in the configuration of OnePlace Solutions suite of products.

Use the view selection drop-down to change views for the selected location.

Filtering view content

Click within the 'Contains:' area below a column title you wish to filter.  The default filter option is a 'Contains'  but this can be modified by selecting the filter icon  .  As you type, the list of items in the view will be filtered.

Right-click actions

Right-click on an item in the view to show a menu of available actions:

  • View item properties in browser will launch the selected item properties window in the web browser
  • Open will open the selected document in the native application
  • Open with... will present a window of available applications the selected file can be opened within 
  • Download... will allow you to select a location on the local machine/network to save the select file

Try opening a document using 'Open with...' in your preferred application and saving the changes directly back to SharePoint. 

Preview Content

The Preview emails and documents from SharePoint / Office 365 provides a convenient preview for documents/content stored within SharePoint/Office 365. 

Search SharePoint/Office 365

For the selected view, you can search for a specific item/document using the 'Search content' area.


This will search both metadata and the content of the files using the full power of SharePoint/Office 365 search.  Results are displayed with hit highlighting for the search term.

Docs Explorer ribbon

The Docs Explorer ribbon provides access to common productivity actions.

  • Open Location in browser opens the current SharePoint location within the web browser
  • New (in a library) allows the creation of Folders/Document sets (if the user has the appropriate access)
  • New (in a list) allows the creation of Folders/list items (if the user has the appropriate access)
  • Upload presents the Windows Open dialog to select one or more file to upload to SharePoint /Office 365 (metadata can also be applied)
  • Properties will launch the selected item properties window in the web browser
  • Copy as link copies the selected items URL's to the clipboard
  • Open With... will present a window of available applications the selected file can be opened within
  • Download... presents the Windows Save dialog for saving the selected file to the local computer/network drive
  • Search will present any configured search locations and launches the selected search location in a web browser