You are here: OnePlaceLive Services > Email Tracking service > API Custom Plugin > Deploy the plugin
Deploy the plugin
- On the Windows Server running the Email Tracking Service, navigate to the installation directory of the service. By default, this will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\OnePlace Solutions\Services"
- Create a new sub directory called "Plugins"
- Copy the EmailTrackingServicePlugin.dll and Scinaptic.OnePlace.API.dll files from the project bin directory into the Plugins directory
- We now need to create a small configuration file that tells the Email Tracking Service about your custom plugin dll and which event your class should be bound to. Within the Plugins directory (that you copied the EmailTrackingServicePlugin.dll to), create a file called plugins_config.xml.
Place the following code within the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<plugin context="EmailTrackingRecipientMailboxesUpdating"
- Save your changes to the plugins_config.xml file
- The directory/file structure should look as follows
Save your changes to the plugins_config.xml file
The directory/file structure should look as follows
The plugin is now deployed, just restart theEmail Tracking Service and test the plugin code executes.