You are here: OnePlaceLive Services > Email Tracking service > Setup for email tracking > Exchange Server setup

Exchange Server setup

Create an Exchange Mailbox

The following instructions will detail how to create the exchange mailbox for the previously created active directory account. If this step has not been completed, please click here:


  • This is the mailbox which will receive the transaction emails for processing. This mailbox will be monitored by the Email Tracking Service.
  • The SMTP email address will be required when configuring the Email tracking settings. Please take note of this e.g. [email protected]

If required, please find some links to general Microsoft instructions on how to create user mailboxes in Exchange server


Next step: Create Exchange distribution group

Create an Exchange Distribution Group

  1. Create an Exchange distribution group called OnePlaceSolutionsEmailTrackingUser

This is a list of people or group, who will have their mailbox updated with information from the Email Tracking Service. For example, Transferred to SharePoint category, SharePoint URL, and other MAPI columns from the custom plugin developed via the API (e.g. a Project No).


This must be created on Exchange Server and not in AD.


2. Set the email address as : [email protected]

If required, please find a link to general Microsoft instructions on how to create an Exchange mailbox:


Next step: Configure impersonation account