What's New R7.8
We have made it easier for users to identify a site collection when saving with OnePlace Solutions. This release also allows for admins to configure OnePlaceLive to capture additional email properties and promote these to columns in SharePoint.
- OnePlaceMail and OnePlaceDocs users can now set a title when adding a SharePoint site collection, instead of displaying the default Url in the Navigation tree.
- When connecting a site collection via a Configuration Profile, in the OnePlaceLive Administration client, it is possible to display the location of the site collection as a title instead of the default Url
- It is now possible to capture additional email headers and promote these values to columns in SharePoint. This can be configured via the OnePlaceLive Administration client.
- The ability to configure a Solution Profile to use the Office Graph has been removed. This is due to the Office Graph API being deprecated.
- When viewing an item that has been declared a record, the correct item is now displayed. In a previous release the file was displaying the checked out icon.