You are here: User Guides > Using OnePlaceMail > Save to SharePoint from Outlook > Save email attachments to SharePoint

Save email attachments to SharePoint

From Microsoft Outlook there are two methods for saving email attachments to SharePoint:


Display Save to SharePoint Window

The Save to SharePoint / Office 365 is common across the OnePlace Solutions product suite.  It provides a Navigation Tree to select a location and the ability to Completing Metadata / Columns (in addition to the automatically captured email attributes) when saving content to SharePoint. 

Presenting the 'Save to SharePoint' window is optional.  However, it will always be presented in the event data validation has not been met prior to saving.  You can control the display behavior at a General and further refine the Manage Favorite locations.

Presenting the 'Save to SharePoint' window is optional.  However, it will always be presented in the event data validation has not been satisfied.