What's New in R7.2

Release 7.2 has been an exciting one to work on, and now release. After a review of our roadmap, we realized more than half of the enhancements done this release have been direct requests from our customers.

Get started: Download OnePlace Solutions R7.2


Closed OnePlaceMail Release 7.2 comprises of installations for:

Some of our favorites:

  • Support for Office 2016 and Windows 10 
  • Existing SharePoint Lists - ability to attach emails & documents to existing list items
  • OnePlaceDocs Explorer - ability to directly drag and drop files from desktop & file system to SharePoint locations
  • Suggested Locations - OnePlaceMail can now suggest filing locations for emails saved to SharePoint/Office 365.


Featured in OnePlaceMail and OnePlaceDocs

  • Navigation Tree
  • provides the ability to filter list and libraries for users (e.g. Hide System lists). 
  • More advanced filtering is available as part of OnePlaceLive (e.g filter to Quick launch items)
  • supports a right-click action to add locations to Favorites
  • Existing SharePoint Lists – ability to attach emails & documents to existing list items
  • Created date / Last Modified date of file in Windows explorer is captured and promoted to SharePoint columns when saving
  • Support for:
  • Office/Outlook 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Performance
  • Loading Item Properties – performance improvements during save operations
  • Significantly improved performance for taxonomy column type-ahead term lookup (SharePoint 2013 & Office 365)


  • Suggested Locations - intelligently suggest locations to save email within SharePoint / Office 365 based on previous email filing operations

  • Note: Zero configuration is required for suggested location to work

  • File preview – now available from the ‘Insert from SharePoint’ window

  • Save to SharePoint Prompt -  now gives an option to tick 'not show again' (when sending emails & attaching files to emails)

  • Save to SharePoint’ window displays warning message when no email columns are present in location

  • Download files from SharePoint/Office 365 (Right-click on embedded SharePoint grid-view)


  • Microsoft Office - support saving of macro-enabled files directly to SharePoint (.xlsm) using OnePlaceDocs

  • Ability to directly drag and drop files from desktop & Windows file explorer to Docs Explorer (SharePoint/Office 365 locations)

  • Download files from SharePoint/Office 365 (via ribbon and Right-click in Docs Explorer)

  • Option to leave Docs Explorer minimized on task-bar or close completely when closing the window 


  • Ability to create multiple shortcut locations in a single operation 

  • Navigation Tree

  • Advanced settings available to filter SharePoint lists and libraries for users (e.g restrict to item on the Quick Launch, based on template ID, etc...)

  • Suggested Locations

  • Adds facility to explicitly defined managed Properties for searching Email To and From metadata

  • Add facility to define regular expressions to match against email content and apply subsequent search against SharePoint for finding locations

  • Standalone utility application to define regular expressions for intelligent matching of email content, and it also generates the appropriate config_update.xml file for these settings

Sandbox Solution Updates

  • Modified: EmToSMTP columns now stored in SharePoint with space between entries

  • Modified: EmFromSMTP now single line text

  • New: EmReceivedByName column added to SharePoint solutions 


  • Office 2007 – no longer supported
  • SharePoint 2007 – no longer supported (actively prevents connections and shows message to user)

 Bug Fixes

  • Support for custom claim providers when using ‘people picker
  • VSTO runtime dependency – installation issue (hashcode error on installer)
  • Navigation Tree Pane – now retains its size on navigation changes
  • Outlook 2013 addin – now resilient from addin being disabled
  • VSTO FastPath – compatibility improved
  • OnePlaceMail – filename formats (hashcode on email) now consistent across the various methods of saving an email
  • Solution Profiles – user’s blog posts no longer visible on Office Graph items (Delve)
  • DPI issues in OnePlaceDocs Explorer in specific scenario of using RDP environments
  • New button - was greyed out in Outlook ribbon 

Known Issues

A register of important known issues for this release is being maintained and where appropriate a status applied.

Get started: Download OnePlace Solutions R7.2